Friday, April 21, 2006

I've apparantly missed my calling in life. This is one of the best jobs I've ever had. I baked bread on Monday. I made chicken stock on Tuesday. I made chicken soup on Wednesday. I made pizza from scratch on Thursday. I haven't had a kitchen adventure today, but I blame that on having to go to the car dealer this morning to correct an electrical system malfunction. And I folded two loads of laundry to make up for it.

Apparantly, I was intended to be a housewife all along, but, you know, I'm not so much for the traditional marriage thing. But if anyone out there is looking for a kept man, I'm accepting applications.

The hours aren't so great; I wake earlier and work longer than I used to, but I'm pretty much fully engaged the entire time. (Except when I get a chance to sneak away into cyberspace for a few minutes here and there.) The incessant question "Why?" does get a little old, but it forces me to get... creative with my answers, shall we say. Calvin's dad is my best inspiration in this regard. Heh heh heh.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ate a piece of Lucky Donald bread before my race today! It worked. Why?

At 4:47 PM, Blogger apostropher said...

When Keegan was in that stage, I'd give him three whys. On the fourth one, I'd just answer, "It's self-evident."

After a few days, he began answering all "Why?" questions posed to him with "It's self-ebibent."


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